Is It Time To Hire A Photo Organizer?

When is the right time to get help for your photo mess? Here's a few scenarios to consider and if any apply to you, you might need to hire a photo organizer.
- Printed photos are scattered throughout the home in old albums, boxes, baggies and envelopes.
- Digital photos are in more than three places (smartphone, email, computer, etc)
- Organizing your photos has been on your to-do list for more than one year.
- Your backup plan is sketchy. HINT: If you don't have your original digital photos backed up in two places including one location outside of your house. . . this applies to you : )
At Pixologie, we hear frequently that people are waiting for the right time to work on their photos. Perhaps a vacation, a rainy day or even retirement. However, time flies by, even years, and the photos accumulate. Then a life event happens and you need the photos in a hurry for a graduation, wedding or funeral. All of which can be stressful times to be searching through boxes of photos and scanning your computer files to find pictures.
Why Hire a Photo Organizer?
Here's some advantages of having a photo organizer help you with your printed or digital photo mess. Photo organizers:
- Are efficient and work without the distractions that take people away from their photo projects (family calls, housework, etc.)
- Have a system to sort photos by major categories (determined with you), setting aside duplicates, negatives, memorabilia and other items for your review
- Don't reminisce about the photos as they work and are objective partners in your project
- Can complete your photo organization project in just a matter of days or weeks in most cases
Listen below to why Diane hired Pixologie to organize her photos.
Then learn how Pixologie helped her . . .
If you are in need of photo organization help, give us a call at Pixologie. We offer a one hour photo assessment where we can give you a plan of how to move forward and get your photos back into life to celebrate and share.
You will enjoy the sense of relief of having your photos organized and backed up, knowing you can find the photo you want when you need it.
Need someone to just do the work for you? Click here to learn more about Pixologie Services.