Why Should We Organize Our Photos?

Your photos represent a treasure trove of important memories, tales and even life lessons. In short, your life legacy may be found in those old printed pictures. Let us share four reasons why your pictures are so important.
Photos Inspire
What do your pictures say about the accomplishments in your life? This photo of our client Gen represents 13 years of dedication attending night school. Earning her law degree was a major, major success for her. Your photos may inspire someone else to do something great!
We have found that photos inspire people to complete 50-mile hikes and marathons, serve as missionaries and even climb mountains!
Photos Strengthen
In the list of reasons to save your photos, we know that photos strengthen families. Your photos can be an excellent tool in raising happy, well-adjusted children. Parenting and youth development expert, Deborah Gilboa, MD, says that “organizing and displaying photographs connects children to our families, our values and our life goals for them.”
Dr. Gilboa also states that photos teach responsibility, show respect and build resiliency in children. Have you looked through your photos to see what lessons could be shared with the young children in your family?
This newspaper article about Gen’s completion of night school has important lessons in it. (When you organize your photos, often memorabilia like this will also be important to save.)
Photos Celebrate
The majority of photos we organize deal with life’s celebrations. This includes births, baptisms, graduations, holidays, weddings and so much more. Photos hold the key to our traditions and provide an integral link to the past. The celebration of our traditions is extremely important today.
Life today in the 2010s is dramatically different from when we grew up. There is no comparison to the lifestyles we lived in the 1930s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s! Our photos from the past show what life was like before the digital revolution. Your photos may help your family continue traditions and celebrations.
Communions are an important Catholic tradition to celebrate. Hopefully, photos from the past help instill faith in our children that will last into adulthood.
Photos Connect Generations
Last in our list of reasons to organize your photos, we can't forget photos connect the generations. Our children need to hear about where they have come from. They need to know what values matter to their family and how hard work builds character.
Children feel more connected and belonging when they see their parents and grandparents growing up photos. People print less than 16% of photos taken today. Kids see their photos for a short time on a smartphone or other device. Imagine what this effect will be in generations to come.
When completing a family history, photos tell a family’s story visually. Photos add impact to family lineages by visually connecting generations. Children, teenagers and adults enjoy looking back at historical family photos. We just need to take the time to do so.
Look at this picture of Gen with her niece, grand-niece and great grand-niece. Four generations of strong women!
If you have photos that need sorting and saving, we hope this article will help motivate you to preserve some of your family’s memories. Don’t let the stories, your family’s legacy fade away and be forgotten!
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